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COUN 5000
Spec Proj Professionl Counslng
COUN 5100
Foundations Professional Coun
COUN 5110
Orient Prof Counselng & Ethics
COUN 5130
Mgt of Comprhnsv Sch Coun Prog
COUN 5131
Mngmnt Clin Mnt Hlth Couns Prg
COUN 5230
Counseling Diverse Population
COUN 5310
Developmnt Across the Lifespan
COUN 5320
Mental Health Iss Counsel
COUN 5410
Career Develop & Counsel
COUN 5500
Pre-Practicum in Pro Counselng
COUN 5510
Counseling Theories
COUN 5520
Introduction to Play Therapy
COUN 5521
Foundations in Play Therapy
COUN 5610
Introduction to Group Work
COUN 5720
Analysis & Diagnosis of Indvdl
COUN 5810
Intro Prog Eval & Resrch Coun
COUN 5900
Practicum in Counseling
COUN 6000
SP: Program Eval & PROBE Trng
COUN 6323
Mental Health Issues Children
COUN 6500
Crsis Intv Clin Mnt Hlth Couns
COUN 6510
Etiology & Pharm of Addictions
COUN 6520
Addiction Coun Trtmnt Planning
COUN 6540
Parent and Family Counseling
COUN 6555
Consltatn in Prof Counsel
COUN 6590
Play Therapy & Child Trauma
COUN 6620
Advanced Group Work
COUN 6800
Trauma in LE Guide for Pract
COUN 6910
Internship in Prof Counseling
COUN 6920
Adv Pract in Prfsnl Counseling
COUN 6930
Adv Pract in Play Therapy
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