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HIST 6200 - Atlantic Religious Identities

2 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing with permission; May be repeated with change of content, maximum credit 18 hours. Training in historical research, bibliography and historiography, featuring reports and criticism. (F, Sp)
Recent Semesters
Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021
Former Titles
Public & Historical Memory, Slavery Abolition Atlant World, War and Society, Martyr Jews/Christian/Muslims, Transnational Women's History, History and Memory, Mod Euro Cult/Intell Hist, Nations and Nationalism, Atlantic Revolutions 1776-1825, Pol/Religion Early Mod World, Modern Euro/Culture/Intell
Class Size
Professor Reviews
I've never had a professor during all the semesters of my MA who did so many things more appropriate for a freshman-level course. She makes GRAD students use name cards, sign an attendance sheet, submit an annotated bibliography (despite their inherent uselessness), and babies grad students in general. She is also an organizational mess.
Initially had no interest in Balkan history, but now have a much greater appreciation for the former Yugoslavia through Prof. Irvine's clear and concise explanation of what happened there. Great prof and also fairly generous in grading her papers. Never lost interest during her lectures once!
Read all 3 reviews
Typical Class Length
2 hours 50 minutes, 2 hours 40 minutes
Arts Science Course, Grad Arts Sci Course, Graduate level Course, Norman Grad Div Crse, Dept/Instructor Permission Req, Variable Course Title