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REAL1UC 1001
Real Estate Principles
REAL1UC 1002
Real Estate Law
REAL1UC 1005
Real Estate Finance
REAL1UC 1009
Real Estate Valuation
REAL1UC 1010
Real Estate Development
REAL1UC 1012
Real Estate Accounting & Taxation
REAL1UC 1015
Market Analysis in Real Estate
REAL1UC 1020
Real Estate and Sustainability
REAL1UC 1030
Affordable and Sustainable Housing
REAL1UC 1033
Managing Construct Org:
REAL1UC 1040
Real Estate Portfolio Management
REAL1UC 1045
Comparative Real Estate Markets in a Global Perspective
REAL1UC 1050
NYC: the Future Metropolis
REAL1UC 1971
Independent Study: Real Estate
REAL1UC 7942
Internship: Real Estate
REAL1UC 7990
Special Topics in Real Estate:Urban Sustainability: a Global...
REAL1UC 7991
Senior Proj Seminar: Real Estate
REAL1UC 7992
Senior Proj Internship: Real Estate
REAL1UC 7993
Senior Project: Independent Study - Real Estate
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