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AS 2016
Appalachian Music
AS 2020
Appalachia in Film
AS 2025
Appalachian Strings
AS 2200
Appalachian Stories
AS 2301
Ener Extrac in Appal:Pstprefut
AS 2411
Appalachia: an Introduction
AS 3000
Diversity in Appalachia
AS 4530
Economic History of Appalachia
AS 5000
Bibliography & Research
AS 5005
Global Appalachia
AS 5015
Old Time Music Traditions
AS 5025
Pedagogy for App Studies
AS 5030
Bluegrass Traditions
AS 5035
Local Music Traditions
AS 5040
Documentary Fld Res Methods
AS 5045
Documentary Intensive
AS 5060
Community Based Research
AS 5065
Sustain & Arts in Appalachia
AS 5070
Global Mountain Literature
AS 5110
Ethnographic Field Study
AS 5500
Appalachia and Japan: Cultural
AS 5530
Mountain Literature
AS 5900
AS 5998
Thesis Preparation
AS 5999
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